Mary Magdalene—


Have you always wanted to learn more about Mary Magdalene? Have you never really felt like she was wasn't what you've heard about her? Do you feel called to know her? Have you felt there was something more to Mary? Have you looked into the Bloodline and want to know more about the Holy Grail?

"Most of all I imitate the behavior of Mary Magdalene, for her amazing—or, rather, loving—audacity which delighted the heart of Jesus, has cast its spell upon mine."

– St. Therese of Lisieux

Art: The Lamentation of Christ by Botticelli

Why Mary Magdalene?

→ Knowing who Mary Magdalene is rewrites the narrative that has been passed down through the ages.  

→ Understanding who she truly is shows the path for women to become divine—to help women uncover this divinity within themselves and men, seeing it shining in the women you love.

→ Just as Jesus shows us the road to salvation, Mary shows us this road with the nuance of how the gifts and roles of divine feminine play into the path of salvation.

 → We are better able to see other women as  critical heavenly participants in the salvific work of the Gods and mankind in a new light

→ We can come to greater understanding of the divine role of women and write that into our own experience. 

→ Knowing Mary Magdalene better encourages women to play big, and encourage other women to seek to understand their own divine gifts and destinies. 

→ We then realize that these divine feminine gifts and roles are also critical for the forward movement of mankind and the emancipation of women.

→ We are better instructed about this divine interplay between male and female roles in ascending and going to higher spiritual levels.  

The Beloved (The Bride)

art by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

“Note the three privileges given to Mary Magdalene. First, she had the privilege of being a prophet because she was worthy enough to see the angels, for a prophet is an intermediary between angels and the people. Second, she had the dignity or rank of an angel insofar as she looked upon Christ, on whom the angels desire to look. Third, she had the office of an apostle; indeed, she was an apostle to the apostles insofar as it was her task to announce our Lord’s resurrection to the disciples. Thus, just as it was a woman who was the first to announce the words of death, so it was a woman who would be the first to announce the words of life.” (2519). —St. Thomas Aquinas, Lectura super Ioannis, caput 20, lectio 3:

Inside Mary Magdalene and The Holy Grail You'll...

  • Unlearn all of the misinformation and cultural baggage surrounding this remarkable woman

  • Look at different sources to uncover who she truly is and what her role was here on earth

  • Look at her as the BRIDE of Jesus Christ and trace the possibility of a Holy Family or Holy Grail lineage that would come from the bloodline of Christ and Mary Magdalene.

  • Examine ancient prototypes that foretold of her

  • Look for the divine pattern of a "wisdom" in canonized scripture

  • Look at artistic traditions that tried to keep alive and convey this secret sacred knowledge through the ages.

  • Trace her history, her path in Israel, Egypt, France and England.

  • Look at how she shows up in art and in modern culture and fairy tales. She's actually everywhere, we just didn't know it was her!

This is exactly what I'm looking for!

After you study Mary Magdalene with me you will...

  • Expand

    Be more informed about the role of the divine feminine and how Mary Magdalene is the perfect exemplar of this.

  • Harmonize

    Understand how men and women work together to develop greater spiritual harmony and power.

  • Worth

    Gain a greater understanding of your true divine worth as a daughter of Gods and the gifts and abilities you have as such.

  • Uncover

    Look through a new lens of possibility that there are great truths hidden in plain sight for those who will take the time to search and study.

  • Restore

    Open your mind to greater understanding about the role of women in Christianity and how that has been taken from women and lost through the ages and how YOU can play a role in restoring it.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to my online School. Here is a brief overview of the course!

    • Mary Magdalene, the Tower and the Holy Grail

  • 2

    Here's a sneak peak of what's ahead!

    • A message from your instructor

    • Reading List for the Mary Magdalene Course

  • 3

    Lesson #1 "The Christianity We've Never Tried"

    • Copyright Agreement

    • Mary Magdalene Lesson 1- "The Christianity We've Never Tried"

  • 4

    Lesson #2: THE BRIDE

    • Lesson #2: The Bride

  • 5

    Lesson #3: Post Crucifixion: Mary in France and the Bloodline

    • Mary in Gaul and the Bloodline of the Holy Grail

  • 6

    Lesson #4: Archetypes

    • Lesson #4: Archetypes

  • 7

    Lesson #5: THE TOWER AND THE TEACHER; Writings of Mary Magdalene

    • The Tower and the Teacher: Teachings of Mary Magdalene

  • 8

    Lesson #6: The Trail Of Mary Magdalene

    • Lesson #6: The Trail of Mary Magdalene

  • 9

    Lesson #7: Artistic Portrayals of Mary Magdalene

    • Lesson #7: Mary Magdalene in Art

  • 10

    Lesson #8: Blossoming as the Rose

    • Lesson #8:The Desert Shall Blossom as the Rose

  • 11




Listen to the Podcast

Easter—Mary Magdalene

Meet Your Teacher

Mandy Green

Mandy graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities, and her love of that field has woven beautiful threads into all aspects of her life.

Mandy became fluent in Russian during her two year ecclesiastical mission to Moscow where she realized the power of understanding other languages. Since that time, she studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has learned Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek, which has allowed her to study scriptural texts in their originally written languages.

Mandy’s post-graduate studies have included a wide range of topics: Biblical Hebrew, New Testament Greek, the writings of Hugh Nibley, Egyptian religion, Hermeticism, Grail lore, and the divine feminine, with particular focus on Mary Magdalene.


  • How long do I have access to this course?

    You have one full calendar year from the time of enrollment to complete this course. If you need more time, please contact Mandy: [email protected]

  • What is your refund policy?

    Due to the digital nature of this course—your immediate access to all the content, and the large amount of time spent producing the course, there is a strict zero refund policy.

  • What happens after I purchase?

    Once you enroll you receive access to all course videos at once. You are able to consume the course content as fast or as slowly as you wish.

  • Do I have direct access to Mandy?

    During your time in the course you have the opportunity to submit questions to Mandy for clarification and expansion.

Discover the Divine Feminine

Come and learn about Mary Magdalene and your own divinity with me